On The Necessity Of Self-Determination

From noted African nationalist scholar Osiris Akkebala, a thoughtful analysis of the fundamental need of any group to be in control of its future and the values under which it lives:
If You Are Not Talking About The Need For Afrika And Black Afrikans Liberation, You Are A Distraction To Black Afrikan People

Chief Elder Osiris

We Black people talk about a lot of things that has nothing to do with what we need to do to change the status of Afrika and Black Afrikans living condition.

There is no benefit to having a romantic notion about Afrika and your Black self when you have no love for Afrika and your Black self, we talk a futile game playing to the will and wishes of white folks oligarchs, your enemy, Black Woman and Man!!!

Many Black Afrikans hate the fact that our Chattel Enslavement is still a topic being mention today by  a few conscious Black Afrikans, the most of us act as if all is well with Afrika and the Black Afrikan today, we have now become a full time believer in believing that our chattel enslavement is not to be a part of our past and is not to be the main theme to justify our dissatisfaction with white folks in power and should be left out of the cause and reason for Black Afrikans present condition in the world today..

Black folks talk has been stripped down to ignore the cause for having a reason to be the focus on the struggle and fight for Afrika and Black Afrikans Liberation, and it is only Freedom that is qualified to serve as evidence that the involvement of Black folks in protest is a worthy confrontation by Black Afrikans to be engaged in, but today, freedom is not the prime objective that motivate Black people to be talking about and that is registered as a failuare by Black people to be a worthy and serious opponent to those who cause the present living condition of Black Afrikan people and is  the fact that Afrika no longer belong to the Black Afrikan people.

The talk most common among the brand new Afrikan negro, is emulation and assimilation with the enemy of Black Afrikan people and the enemy of Black Afrikans are against there being freedom for Afrika and the Black Afrikans, and you can find such an enemy throughout all various shades of ethinic groups that make up the white man world, he who is committed to keeping Black people buck dancing and praying for not freedom but for a better day for Black people to live in, nothing about a day of Liberation for the Black Afrikan World.

Yet Black folks can find a lot to talk about concerning many topics that ignore the need for our Liberation from white people mind and return to the use of our original mind in exchange for the mind of our oppressors, and this type of Divine Truth get no favor from the brand new negro, the millennium minded negro, it is as if Black folks have now made a choice between being free and being with want for acceptance by white folks, we talk not about the need to be in struggle and fight for our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation which represents freedom for our Enslaved Ancestors which translate to be freedom for Afrika and the Black Afrikan people.

Black people are now experts in talking about things with Divine substance, you know, like freedom, justice, and independence, the three stalwarts Black Africans need to be involved with and yet we ignore so to be in favor of Civil Rights, Equality, and Progress, all can be gotten remaining in captivity to the mind of white folks, it have you behaving as white folks do, which is not good for the self of Black people.

No conversation by Black folks is of substance if not about the liberation of Afrika and the Black Afrikan people, it serves as a sign that you now live a make-believe life experience, pretending to be what you are not, FREE!!!

I share with you what you need to know and not what you want to believe, Black woman And Man.

Divine Respect


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