No, Media, The Alt-Right Is Not "Reeling"

Leftists fear and despise the corporation. Corporations, in their view, are bad actors who will manipulate government and control our lives, just as they do in Hollywood movies. Corporations are evil . They intend to take over completely, make us all serfs, and then convert the world into some kind of cybernetic 1984 singularity. This might worry you, but then again, Leftists are unhappy neurotics, so you take everything they say with a grain of salt. Leftists forget that corporations are simply large businesses that are responsible to shareholders instead of a single owner. They are not inherently evil, but like all individuals and all businesses, they are driven by a profit motive. However, Leftists seem to excuse them of that when the corporations in question are part of the media. A news corporation exists to tell us the unvarnished truth and hold back fascist government, which despite having been leaning Left for the last seventy years, somehow is still prone to become a hy...