Media Proved To Be Liars, Retreat In Panic

When Donald Trump accused the media of being "fake news," it set off a paroxysm of rage among news outlets and their collaborators in the "new media" of social media and internet sites. They retaliated by cracking down on conservative blogspam being posted to social media, usually from hysterical sites and sometimes from outright untrue clickbait, calling all of that "fake news" and appointing fake news sites like Snopes, Politifact, and Wikipedia in charge of determining true from fake. For most of us, however, his words resonated because we have become increasingly suspicious of what is reported in media. After the JournoList scandal , we know that a deep state style cabal in media is coordinating its message so to present the same idea in every place at once, which signals to most people that it is true. It was a corrupt and collusive activity that, for whatever reason, seemed ethically acceptable to its 100% Leftist audience. At that point, w...